When they arrive, old drum cruise the ledges and drops in search of food. This is where charts come in handy. NOAA Chart 11552 shows the Neuse River from New Bern, past Oriental to Orchard Creek. Chart 11548 shows the Neuse from Oriental to the Pamlico Sound. If you are going to be successful old drum fishing, you will need both charts. I keep both charts in my boat, not only for navigational purposes in case my gps goes out, but to find ledges for fishing. A popular spot for old drum fishing is Garbacon Shoal. Follow the southeast heading out of the Oriental channel and you will cross the river and run into it. Note on the chart the depth of 7’-8’ on the shoal and 16’-17’ beside the shoal. The quick drop in depth indicates a ledge in the water. Scan the charts for other locations like this. Locate these and you will locate the fish. Part three will review how to catch the fish now that you have found them.
Don’t let the big one get away….
Capt. Bobby Brewer